Watch The Eyes

Signs of a Neuropeptide Reactions (AKA Emotional Hijacking), Part I

Healthcare practitioners with many years of clinical experience have often evolved their awareness to where they can quickly recognize signs of emotional distress in their patients/clients. My personal 40-plus years of experience led to the observation of a person’s eyes as the fastest and most efficient way to get a “quick read”.

 Since I have the advantage of being able to read the additional information that the Biofield provides, I can use visual observation, in combination with the energy readings from the Field, to optimize each clinical encounter. I have come to believe the old adage that the eyes are the “window to the soul”. It seems to be an incredibly effective clinical sign pointing to the current state of a person’s emotional health.

 Not only is the initial observation important, but there is also a great value in observing changes to the eyes as the clinical session progresses. This statement seems especially true while performing the Emotional Unwind Experience (EUE) procedure. A person’s “eye communication” will sometimes shift dramatically over the course of the procedure as the attracting emotion vials are being identified and revealed to the person being tested.

 In literature and in the world of music lyrics, the eyes are a common theme. As I read and listen, there are a few themes that seem to recur. Years ago, I observed how often the “heart” was a theme in several Rod Stewart songs: “You’re in my Heart”, “My Heart Can’t Tell Me No”, “This Old Heart of Mine”, “Rhythm of My Heart”, and even just “My Heart”.

 The theme of the “heart” tends to reoccur often for those who practice Biofield Testing in its many forms. Since the heart is the most vital of organs, the care and feeding of the heart has always reigned supreme as a nutritional consideration for Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT). Also, there are multiple neuropeptides that originate in the heart for the EUE work.

 I often describe my best Biofield Testers as having “the heart of the healer”—I reserve this designation for practitioners who are the best-of-the-best and consider it my highest compliment.

 How about the eyes as a theme in songs?: “Angel Eyes”, “Eye of the Tiger”, “Eyes Open”, “Eyes of the World”, “My Eyes Adored You”. There appears to be value in paying attention to this very telling and easily observed feature of the body, if you are interested in observing the changes that can take place within a person’s emotional brain as you perform the EUE.

A shift in the eyes can reflect a shift in the “soul”. Additionally, this observation provides the person performing the EUE with instantaneous feedback that is observable yet silent and cannot easily be masked by most people. Pay attention to the changes in your patient/client’s emotional status, be aware of their eyes. While performing the EUE, a shift in their eyes can usually be equated to a shift in their neuropeptide production, with the end result being our achieved goal of a larger Biofield and less frequent emotional hijackings.


Loss of Emotional Control


Emotions Held Within Your Biofield, The Neuropeptide Factor