Welcome to a world that you may not be familiar with: The domain of the BioField, also called the Human energy field.

This world is not likely to be the one that you have known most of your life. We think of things very differently here, more Quantum-thinking than Linear-Thinking.

To describe how the BioField functions, it is best to conceive an energy bubble around your body that is there to protect you from the sometimes-harsh environment we can face in life— things like poisonous air, electro-magnetic fields, and even toxic microbes. At the same time, we don’t need to be protected from the good things our environment can provide, like fresh air, healthy amounts of sunshine, and the people we love. We want to let those things come in, so we have an opportunity to thrive.

In the BioField world, everything is energy. We do not judge something by looking at it or reading about it. We consider how the energy of everything we encounter affects the size and balance of the BioField. you just need to be able to ask the field a simple question: Does this thing we are bringing into our BioField make it bigger, or make it smaller? Bigger is better. If the BioField becomes smaller, try to avoid it—See how simple the rules are in this world?

Here at BioField Testing/Morphogenic Field Technique, this is the way we have been judging things in our environment for the past 15 years. We simply ask the BioField how it responds, then follow the energy for expanded BioField size and balance. Research has shown that using this BioField concept has the potential help you in many areas of your life. We are here to assist you in your journey to a bigger, more balanced BioField.